
Colmena allows you to upload secret files that will not be stored in the Nix store to nodes. It implements a subset of the deployment.keys options supported by NixOps.

For example, to deploy DNS-01 credentials for use with security.acme:

{ shared-box = { security.acme.certs."my-site.tld".credentialsFile = "/run/keys/acme-credentials.secret"; deployment.keys."acme-credentials.secret" = { # Alternatively, `text` (string) or `keyFile` (path to file) # may be specified. keyCommand = [ "vault" "read" "-field=env" "secret/dns01" ]; destDir = "/run/keys"; # Default: /run/keys user = "acme"; # Default: root group = "nginx"; # Default: root permissions = "0640"; # Default: 0600 uploadAt = "pre-activation"; # Default: pre-activation, Alternative: post-activation }; # Rest of configuration... }; }

Take note that if you use the default path (/run/keys), the secret files are only stored in-memory and will not survive reboots. To upload your secrets without performing a full deployment, use colmena upload-keys.

Key Services

For each secret file deployed using deployment.keys, a systemd service with the name of ${name}-key.service is created (acme-credentials.secret-key.service for the example above). This unit is only active when the corresponding file is present, allowing you to set up dependencies for services requiring secret files to function.

Key Permissions

The /run/keys directory is owned by the keys group. If you are using a systemd service running as a non-root user, you will likely need to add:

SupplementaryGroups = [ "keys" ];

to your service configuration.


If you are using flakes, Nix will copy the entire flake (everything tracked by git) into the Nix store during evaluation. This means that all files as checked out by git are world-readable, including the ones managed by filter-based encryption tools like git-crypt. To use deployment.keys.<name>.keyFile with flakes without having the secrets copied to the Nix store, a quoted absolute path can be used.